Administración Marcial
martes, 1 de marzo de 2016
sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016
Golpes de Puño.
Al analizar las características de un golpe o de cualquier
movimiento, debemos considerar que incluye leyes físicas universales para toda técnica y leyes de biomecánica especificas
para cada ejecución. Cada golpe o movimiento son distintos y si bien comparten
fuerza de gravedad, movimiento de rotación, de traslación, ritmo, contracciones
musculares, intención, peso, rapidez… no todas participan de igual intensidad y
eso lo designa el movimiento mecánico de cada
No es bueno asociar solo la mano con un golpe de puño ya que
en ese golpe interviene todo el cuerpo y más.
El movimiento del brazo en un golpe de puño no realiza una
fuerza pareja sino que varía en el momento del impacto realizando una
contracción muscular. Relajar, contraer y volver a relajar, relaja en la ida,
contrae al momento del impacto y regresa relajado. La relación es fluidez y con
ella se es rápido, la contracción nos lleva a la estática por lo que solo
interviene fracciones de segundo en el momento preciso del impacto.
El golpe es el último eslabón de una cadena de reacciones sincronizadas
que nace de la interacción pie-suelo, continua
subiendo por las piernas hacia la cadera
que con un giro la proyecta hacia una correcta posición de hombros que
se alinean con el codo y la muñeca para luego focalizar toda la fuerza en el impacto de los nudillos momento en el
que se bloquean las articulaciones del cuerpo. La anteriores no son etapas separadas,
se mueve el pie, la cadera, los hombros, el codo y la mano en total fluidez y coordinación
en un solo movimiento pero respetando el orden.
Al golpear podemos medir algunos aspectos
Kime: La potencia del golpe dada por el factor
masa-rapidez, siendo a más peso y veloz más potente el golpe.
Precisión, el cálculo correcto de la distancia
hasta el punto de impacto.
La duración del impacto, dependiendo si es de
percusión (Keague) será menor o de penetración (Kekomi) que será mayor.
La correcta ejecución de la cadena de reacciones.
La técnica de quien golpea (la práctica hace al
La contracción muscular al momento del impacto.
La intención de quien ejecuta, el aspecto
A continuación un video instructivo básico de golpes de
Jorge Sanz Saez
Do you want more students?
For those professionally dedicated to the Martial Arts have students need to fulfill the legacy of discipline to solve the economy.
Attracting students deserves a comprehensive study by the way, is simple in application.
Here I give tips to attract students.
The largest source of potential students in colleges or schools. For this we must prepare a project presented to the authorities of the establishment. (But you have a project for schools, contact me and I give you one). To be effective uptake and the school is identified with the project should consider a low monthly fee (cheap). If we talk about Europe, taking as an example Spain, charge 10 euros per month, with 5 schools (one per day) to 20 students each school are 100 pupils and in total 1000 euros per month. (For 2 hours each day to work in the afternoon), perhaps you need only two schools with 50 students or one with 100 students.
The same last example to South America taking Chile as a reference, 5 thousand pesos a month, 100 students are 500 thousand pesos.
To this number of students, adding the income gradings, sale of costumes, insignias or other.
100 students is only a reference, can be 500 or 1000 will depend on the work and management of each teacher, the sky is not the limit.
Easy to attract students, local cost savings and accident insurance.
If you already have your training room or colleges or motivate you only have time to develop the activities in your current place, then you should pay attention to digital marketing. Today out flyers or putting up posters is not recommended, therefore the environmental impact as the monetary cost and logistics involved. We are in a digital age that only 4% of the population does not use a Smartphone (smartphone), almost all use social networks. Facebook is who monopolizes the first of the networks, follow Twitter, Instagram, rhetoric, Google + ... It is in these networks where we publicitarnos, is a social instance, trustworthy, the best way to reach people and provoke action. Each school should have its own facebook page (not the same as the personal profile) on page display your work, people will come to that page to see if they find what they seek. Make digital posters is simple and free, if you do not have the knowledge you can ask a student, family member or acquaintance who do this work (it will be happy). Upload, photos, writings ... label your students, family, friends in order to reach as many people. Upload digital posters to local groups (another instance of facebook) as are buying and selling, leisure, interest groups and even churches, everyone is a potential student.
Print advertising (flyers and posters) are recommended only if it is targeted, for example at school that you have about your training room or a sporting event.
If you have questions or you are interested to delve deeper into the subject matter hereof, send me a message and I'll help where I can with the best disposition.
Then leave a sample letter project to be presented in schools, can copy, paste and edit freely.
KARATE TORADOKAN is presented as an extracurricular Sport / Social / Cultural activity aimed at children / as sought by sport, and that in turn will bring benefits in several key areas for both psychomotor development and cognitive, together with the own value virtues Karate as a discipline of mutual respect and self-improvement.
Exposing our experience in previous projects, we can say; "The practice of martial arts in children leads to improved motor development increasing the coordinative high level of the child, as well as able to improve greatly qualities such as elasticity, speed, balance, strength, etc ...
the fact that students have presented Karate Toradokan 90% improved behavior toward peers and tutors stresses. an improvement in educational performance also has 80% of all students.
Therefore, at its base Karate is a sport activity that will get children / as a balance and a desire to excel that will accompany them for a long time, since the long-term practiced Karate is a way of life.
The project will take importance in as new groups, dojos, clubs, etc. begin, because with the practice of this education, it helps to channel activities for our children, preventing invest their time in actions that could be harmful for them and their community, taking into account that the main rule remains Karate discipline and exaltation of the values of the individual. We are used to modalities, but it is important that the children create and concienticen that may be able to practice any other education.
The games have therapeutic function that we apply, this means, liven conflicts, hostilities and tensions of every kind, including sex. Learning exercises power, transforms their integration into their environment and strengthening solidarity group. In the analysis of an educational / sporting and / or cultural process, it is easy to prove that the area is less restriction recreational activity, because as relaxing and palliative manner, assumes serious obedience functions. With this work plan and using the Karate Toradokan as a tool, we drain the concerns, emotions and energies, badly channeled generate to the extreme social distress. In the current cultural evolution, it is necessary that the relationship of sport, with so-called activities of cultural expression is established. Many judge the sport incompatible with the activities of cultural expression, or put it in a place marginalized, and is common knowledge that the sporting activity, is the vehicle that is faster to the masses and with a good plan can improve the standard of living, education, interpersonal and social relationship of individuals who practice and enjoy.
The project's main specific objective the care of children, along with incorporate youth and adults who belong to the inner circle of students and provide the means necessary for the practice of sports, social and cultural activities organized for such effect, instrumentándolos both technically and tactically, developing their physical abilities and therefore intellectual thus raising their standard of living and personal development. Provide individuals with the tools to improve their bio-psychological potential and promoting intergroup relations processes, through Karate Toradokan, so as to guarantee their participation as a subject of daily changes in the society in which they live. Introduce and systematize Sport in General, Culture, Discipline, Honor, self-denial, recreational and educational dynamically spreading the true essence of this activity among children, adolescents, young adults and causing their full integration into the activities of the various institutions that promote ..
Aimed at the entire school community, as well as family and close circles students. students followed by family, friends and tutors generally defined as destinarios first level.
To develop for the Karate Toradokan activities, facilities of the educational establishment, being of great help implementing a practice mat (Tatami) but not indispensability be used.
Toradokan Karate is a discipline of Japanese origin, adjusted to Western customs in Sweden. Since 2009 he has worked constantly to perfect our teaching methodology which gives prominence to the ability of higher learning showing children between 4 and 12 years recognizing that it is the stage in which the ease of learning causes an enabling environment for intellectual and athletic improvement. Karate practice Toradokan respect and teamwork in each of its practice sy regarding individual technical projection leads to repetition as a way to achieve a state of innate execution time if required.
As a philosophy preached the importance of a healthy lifestyle and well with the idea of living more years in quality and harmony and as a fundamental principle expresses "think before acting" and "Living life in every breath."
Students participating in this program formal education can participate in local sports competitions, community, provincial, national and international level, this depending on the technical abilities of students. Seminars, courses, cultural and social activities are also part of the activities to be performed.
Classes are distributed in at least 2 hours and up to 3 hours per week taught in school months and having two period; January to May and August to December.
To develop the project parents are asked for the symbolic sum of 10 € monthly with the idea of pay for the time and transportation of teachers in charge of the course.
History: The term Toradokan (虎 道 校) is given in 1996 by the Korean martial arts master Mr. Alejandro Soto Rossi then Kenpo Karate instructor Mr. Jorge Sanz Saez. Toradokan was the name of the Dojo (道場) Sensei Sanz and he practiced originally Kenpo Karate (in Villa Alemana, Chile), then Shorinji Kempo (Quilpue, Chile), then Musotoryu (Malaga, Spain) and was in the 2009 which is based in Stockholm, Sweden what we now know as Karate Toradokan.
Etymology: Karate (空手) Toradokan (虎 道 校) comes from Japanese and is translated as "The Art of universal hand Road School Tiger". Being Kara (空) universe; Te (手) hand;
Torah (虎) tiger; Do (道) road and Kan (校) school.
Definition: Karate Toradokan (空手 虎 道 校) is defined as a modern discipline of martial art. It is mainly the natural balance between Japanese and Korean lines. Multiculturalism is presented in the application of the techniques being image, terminology, posture, etiquette, work arms and Japanese upper body, the leg work to semi-level contact is inherited from Taekwondo and in case of full contact is used biomechanics Indochinese systems, self-defense is a hybrid of centrifugal forces (Japan) and centripetal (Korea).
The art of Tiger Road School is a reflection of the life of his Master Founder Mr. Jorge Sanz who began the conscious practice of martial arts in 1987 and has since maintained steady progress in the study of the arts disciplines and martial systems in general.
Looking for different styles and Masters in 1995 with 15 years old he began touring South America, after 11 years decides to travel to Europe to increase their learning landing in Madrid, Spain. Between 2007 and early 2009 he toured dojos from Italy, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark and was in February 2009 that Maestro Sanz arrives to Stockholm, Sweden to settle in March of that year together with a select group of teachers who met over the 14 years of travel Toradokan the international Association is registered as an international martial arts organization and at the same time founded the Karate Toradokan.
In May 2014 in Alhaurin de la Torre, Province of Andalusia Master Founder of Karate Toradokan cedes rights of universal representation for the territories of Spanish and Portugal to the Master of Martial Arts Pablo Espejo Black Belt 5th Dan, can this use logos and image , graduate students and teachers to 3rd Dan black belt.
Philosophy: Karate Toradokan is also a philosophy of life based on respect and other principles that have their origin Confucianism and Zen Buddhism focusing on the well structured Bushido code represented in the dojo kun (道場 訓) Maximum supreme for all martial artist Japanese line. In the Dojo Kun 5 rules or codes that have forged the student.
dojo Kun
Hitotsu, Jinkaku Kansei Ni Tsutomuru Koto.
Hitotsu, Makoto no Michi O Mamoru Koto.
Hitotsu, Doryoku No Seichin O Yashinau Koto.
Hitotsu, reigi O Omonzuru Koto.
Hitotsu, Kekki No Yu O Imashimuru Koto.
道場 訓
Road Rules
一 丶 人格 完成 に 努 む る こ と.
一 丶 誠 の 道 を 守 る こ と.
一 丶 努力 の 精神 を 養 う こ と.
一 丶 礼儀 を 重 ん ず る こ と.
一 丶 血 気 の 勇 を 戒 む る こ と.
First, strive for perfection of character.
First, defend the paths of truth.
First, foster the spirit of effort.
First, honoring the principles of courtesy.
First, guard against impetuous courage.
If we see the translation into Spanish noticed that always begins with "First" this is to give prominence to the whole principle is first all equally relevant or not giving priority or exclusivity not one of them.
Weapons: weapons work is divided into two areas corresponding to the first traditional shed where it is interpreted as a martial art and each element has a realistic and efficient way to a real confrontation seeking the immediate annihilation of the enemy. The second corresponds to the sporting side where the goal is the physical improvement of the practitioner and optimization based on aesthetic standards of performance, speed, accuracy and strength that can be evaluated both student request and in sports competitions.
Toradokan studying karate green belt to the Bo (木) long cane and its use is inherited from Okinawan Kobudo. Blue began studying the Bokken (木 剣) wooden sword to the black belt where we turn to the study of Katana (刀) Japanese sword.
curriculum of classes, subjects or subjects in each grade or level Karate Official Program Toradokan each exam grade comprises these 16 branches understood and applied by students.
Superior extremities
Lower extremities
Combat sports
Budo Philosophy
Traditional weapons
Self Defense
Basic technical
Kanji writing
Karate student levels Toradokan:
白 - い Shiro 8th Kyu White Belt
黄色 - い Kiiro 7th Kyu Yellow Belt
黄色 Orenji 6th Kyu Orange Belt
緑 Midori 5th Kyu Green Belt
青 - い Ao 4th Kyu Blue Belt
紫 Murasaki 3rd Kyu Purple Belt
赤 - い Aka 2nd Kyu Red Belt
茶色 - い Chairo 1st Kyu Brown Belt
Jorge Sanz Saez
Philosophy of Colors and Belts
Belts and Colors
The story goes that after World War II Japan and Korea had few resources so an inexpensive and effective way to differentiate levels and maintain the status given to martial arts was dyed belts.
At first the white belt was dyed in each grade advancement and increasingly darker colors dealt to black, with the order; white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black.
Similarly philosophical history shows us a more poetic forms being the following one:
White: Home (represents the seed under the snow) A student white belt
is a beginner in search of knowledge, the beginning of the cycle of life. A blank page to be written.
Yellow: Ascending force (represents the first rays of sun shining on the seed) A yellow belt is the recipient of the first ray of knowledge to open his mind to the teachings and inside a superior force.
Naranjo: Force established (representing the sun shining on the seed and heating the earth as a sign of growth) Orange belt is the student who begins to feel his body in harmony with the art, the mind is open and understood. His inner strength is already stable.
Green: Growth (represents the sprouting of the seed into the sun) Here the student begins to grow in art, strengthens your body, it is a cycle of energy in abundance.
Blue: Stability and Fluidity (represents the plant toward the sky and fluidity of air) Blue belt enjoys technical and physical strength, sets the sky as its limit and is fluent in its ascent.
Brown Belt: Maturation (represents the fruits, harvest) is an advanced student with knowledge of the power of their techniques, understand the fruits of work done. He knows that the road has just begun and is preparing to make the trip.
Black: dark, empty. (Beyond the sun) The black belt seeks a deeper understanding of art knowledge, sees the light in the darkness beyond the sun from vacuum and teaches new seeds to grow and mature, knowing that some seeds will continue the endless cycle life.
The colors can also be represented symbolically with the seasons, the elements, animals ... and every representation increases our heritage of Martial Arts.
Jorge Sanz Saez
The story goes that after World War II Japan and Korea had few resources so an inexpensive and effective way to differentiate levels and maintain the status given to martial arts was dyed belts.
At first the white belt was dyed in each grade advancement and increasingly darker colors dealt to black, with the order; white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black.
Similarly philosophical history shows us a more poetic forms being the following one:
White: Home (represents the seed under the snow) A student white belt
is a beginner in search of knowledge, the beginning of the cycle of life. A blank page to be written.
Yellow: Ascending force (represents the first rays of sun shining on the seed) A yellow belt is the recipient of the first ray of knowledge to open his mind to the teachings and inside a superior force.
Naranjo: Force established (representing the sun shining on the seed and heating the earth as a sign of growth) Orange belt is the student who begins to feel his body in harmony with the art, the mind is open and understood. His inner strength is already stable.
Green: Growth (represents the sprouting of the seed into the sun) Here the student begins to grow in art, strengthens your body, it is a cycle of energy in abundance.
Blue: Stability and Fluidity (represents the plant toward the sky and fluidity of air) Blue belt enjoys technical and physical strength, sets the sky as its limit and is fluent in its ascent.
Brown Belt: Maturation (represents the fruits, harvest) is an advanced student with knowledge of the power of their techniques, understand the fruits of work done. He knows that the road has just begun and is preparing to make the trip.
Black: dark, empty. (Beyond the sun) The black belt seeks a deeper understanding of art knowledge, sees the light in the darkness beyond the sun from vacuum and teaches new seeds to grow and mature, knowing that some seeds will continue the endless cycle life.
The colors can also be represented symbolically with the seasons, the elements, animals ... and every representation increases our heritage of Martial Arts.
Jorge Sanz Saez
viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016
Filosofía de los Cinturones y Colores
Cinturones y Colores
Cuenta la historia que luego de la segunda guerra mundial Japón y Corea tenían escasos recursos por lo que una manera barata y eficaz de diferenciar los niveles y mantener el estatus dado a las artes marciales fue teñir los cinturones.
En un principio el cinturón blanco se teñía en cada avance de grado y se ocupaban colores cada vez más oscuros hasta llegar al negro, siendo el orden; blanco, amarillo, naranja, verde, azul, marrón y negro.
De igual manera la historia filosófica nos muestra unas formas más poéticas siendo la siguiente una de ellas:
Blanco: Inicio (representa la semilla bajo la nieve) Un estudiante cinturón blanco
es un principiante en busca de conocimiento, el comienzo del ciclo de la vida. Una hoja en blanco lista para ser escrita.
Amarillo: Fuerza ascendente (representa los primeros rayos de sol brillando sobre la semilla) Un cinturón amarillo es quien recibe el primer rayo de conocimiento para abrir su mente a las enseñanzas y su interior a una fuerza superior.
Naranjo: Fuerza establecida (representa el sol brillando sobre la semilla y calentando la tierra en señal de crecimiento) El cinturón naranja es el estudiante que comienza a sentir su cuerpo en armonía con el arte, la mente está abierta y entiende. Su fuerza interior ya es estable.
Verde: Crecimiento (representa el brote de la semilla en dirección al sol) Aquí el estudiante comienza a crecer en el arte, fortalece su cuerpo, es un ciclo de energía en abundancia.
Azul: Estabilidad y Fluidez (representa la planta en dirección al cielo y la fluidez del aire) El cinturón azul goza de técnica y fortaleza física, establece al cielo como su límite y es fluido en su ascenso.
Cinturón Marrón: Maduración (representa los frutos, la cosecha) Es un estudiante avanzado con conocimiento del poder de sus técnicas, entiende los frutos del trabajo realizado. Sabe que el camino recién comienza y se prepara para realizar el viaje.
Negro: Oscuridad, vacío. (más allá del sol) El cinturón negro busca un conocimiento más profundo del arte, ve la iluminación en la oscuridad más allá del sol desde el vacío y enseña a las nuevas semillas a crecer y madurar, sabiendo que algunas semillas continuarán el ciclo interminable de la vida.
Los colores también se pueden representar simbólicamente con las estaciones del año, los elementos, animales... y cada representación aumenta nuestro acervo de las Artes Marciales.
Jorge Sanz Saez
Por las Artes Marciales.
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